About Me

I'm Rebecca, former and future expat, currently living in the 'burbs of Houston, TX with the love of my life (whose initials happen to be BAD) and the kiddo who turned us into a real family on 9.10.11.

This quote is my mantra. My husband's job keeps us on the move. In the past 5 years, his work has taken us from our hometown of Memphis, TN to Miami, FL to China (yes, like in Asia) to TX. No matter where we are planted, I truly do want to grow from all of the new experiences, new relationships, and even the new challenges that come from starting over again and again and again. I believe life is what you make it, and I want my son to learn that you can flourish in any circumstance as long as you have faith, character, and an open heart.

I love color and music and travel. I have been known to tackle a diy project from time to time. I love fashion, but I typically spend 80% of my clothing budget on my kid. It's a habit I have no intention of breaking.

I teach group fitness classes several days a week. Yes, I get paid to exercise. Is that not the most brilliant? Yeah, I'm clever like that.